This guide explains the i30 error code on Electrolux dishwashers and how to troubleshoot it.

i30 Error Code on Electrolux Dishwashers
i30 Error Code on Electrolux Dishwashers Troubleshooting Guide

What does the i30 error code on Electrolux dishwashers mean?

The i30 error code indicates a possible leak in your dishwasher. When water accumulates at the bottom, the dishwasher triggers this code to prevent flooding.

How to identify an i30 error on your Electrolux dishwasher:

  • Your dishwasher beeps three times, or the LED light flashes three times.
  • The drain pump runs constantly, making a low humming noise.
  • You can see water leaking from the dishwasher.

What to do first:

  1. Turn off the water supply to the dishwasher to prevent further flooding.
  2. Check the installation: Make sure the dishwasher is level and plumbed correctly according to the user manual.
  3. Verify loading: Ensure you’re loading the dishwasher as instructed in the manual to avoid blockages.
  4. Clean the dishwasher: Clean the filters, spray arms, and sump area thoroughly.
Additional troubleshooting tips to resolve the i30 error code:
  • Excess foam: If you use too much detergent, it can create excessive foam and trigger the i30 error. Turn off the dishwasher, leave it overnight, and try again with the correct amount of detergent.
  • Blocked spray arms: Large items in the dishwasher can block the spray arms. Check if the spray arms rotate freely without obstruction.
  • Misdirected water spray: Large or oddly shaped dishes can deflect the water spray, causing leaks. Rearrange the dishes to ensure proper water flow.

Important Note:

  • Safety first: Always turn off the water supply before troubleshooting any dishwasher issues.
  • Refer to your manual: The information in this guide is general. Always consult your specific dishwasher’s manual for detailed instructions and safety precautions.

By following these steps, you will be able to fix the i30 error code yourself and get your dishwasher running smoothly again.

i30 Error Code on Electrolux Dishwashers: Troubleshooting Guide: FAQs

Here are frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you understand and troubleshoot the i30 error code on your Electrolux dishwasher:

The i30 code indicates leak detection by the dishwasher’s “Aqua Control” system. It means water has been found in the bottom tray, likely due to a leak or overflow.

  • Over-sudsing: Using too much detergent can create excessive foam, triggering the error. Try using less soap or a different brand.
  • Blocked spray arms: Large items in the dishwasher might prevent the spray arms from rotating freely. Check for obstructions.
  • Water jet deflection: Large dishes can sometimes block the water spray, causing water to pool in one area. Re-arrange dishes for proper water flow.

Here’s what you can try:

  • Turn off the water supply to prevent more water from entering.
  • Check installation: Make sure the dishwasher is level and plumbed correctly (refer to the manual).
  • Verify loading: Ensure dishes are loaded as instructed to avoid blockages.
  • Clean the dishwasher: Clean filters, spray arms, and the sump area to remove any food debris causing leaks.

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